Two Deaths From The Same Unknown Cause


Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
I got 2 bettas from a local LFS yesterday. The male was a rescue from a tank of tetras and barbs, the female was a lavendar plakat I had hoped to breed. These fish were in seperate tanks no where near each other, were from different shipments and both seemed healthy when I purchased them. This morning I found the male dead, he was floating vertically at the top of his tank, his lips were slightly fuzzy, his eyes clouded over and his face appeared like it had been painted with white chalk. There were no other markings anywhere else on his body. About 1 o'clock this afternoon I noticed that my new female had a little fuzz on her lips so I took her out and put her in a quarantine tank where I began treatment. By 8 o'clock she was dead, floating vertically with all of the same symptoms of the male except her whole body had drained of color. I know they both had the symptoms of various diseases, eye cloud and fungus to say the least but I have never seen any of these act so quickly! I have some pictures of the girlie, but they're not very good so I don't know if you'll be able to tell anything from them. Any ideas on what killed them would be great!


Did you transfer them in new water after you got them from store? If the water quality was different than probably that killed the fish. I once had a female betta which was kept in a poor water quality and when I brought her home and put her into a new chlorinated tank and she past away in less than 48 hours.

Sometimes local pet stores keep these fishes in poor quality water that they adopt to it and any changes will cause death or disease occurs.
and when I brought her home and put her into a new chlorinated tank and she past away in less than 48 hours.

You probably meant "de-chlorinated"....

Also, many lfs kept in poor conditions already have internal problems going on--parasites and fungi and other things you can't readily see. Also, if they haven't been fed for a long time, their digestive system will shutdown. Could have just been shock from suddenly being a better living conditions.
I've gotten most of my bettas from this LFS, they've always been in good condition. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before with their fish, so I don't know whats going on.
When you introduce fish from a lfs try and aclimatize them for a longer time- Using the splash method where every 15 minutes u put a handfull of your tank water into the bag they are in.
Sad about your fish. It's really gutting when something like that happens.
James :good:

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