Two Dead Guppy's


New Member
Feb 18, 2007
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Noticed when I get home from work tonight 2 dead guppy's. The remainder of the tank (7 guppy's and 8 swordtails) all have pink/red gills. The fish seem fairly happy, no obvious gasping for air, all swimming normally.

I guessed that the problem was nitrate, so did a 75% water change, which seems to have got them back down to 10mg/L. Was that the right thing to do? How long before I notice any change to the appearance of the gills?

220l tank, ammonia & nitrite both 0. Nitrate was very high (off the chart, a nutrafin kit). Tank has been setup 4 weeks, having done a fishless cycle (and changed the water), the 17 fish have been in since last Monday. The tank has an Aquaone CF1000 external filter.
How high was the nitrate reading.
Do the gills look like they are bleeding and inflamed.
Do the gills look like they are bleeding and inflamed.

The nitrate seemed to be as high as the Nutrafin test goes which, is 110 if my memory serves me correctly.

The gills don't seem to be bleeding, just a red/pink tinge to them.
That was pretty high.
Just see how they go for now.
Go it back down to 10, so just keep a close eye on them.
Good luck.

Just watch out for some of these symtoms

Going thin.
Flicking and rubbing against objects.
Laboured breathing.
Shying at objects.
Swimming in a jerky movement.
Going pale.
Sores on the fish.
Spitting food out.

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