So, today, I lost Ula and Carp. I've had these fish for about 1-2 years. I can't remember now how long it's been. Ula died of constipation--I did everything I could but he just couldn't make it. Carp died I think of old age and his battle with fin rot. I was pretty beaten up about it since I've had them the longest and I was quite attatched to them (you know when you get those terrible thoughts like why couldn't have been this other betta I wasn't so attached to!?!) But, oh well. They had a really good life with me. And lots of live bloodworms (Ula used to jump 4 inches up to my finger to grab some). Here are their memorial pictures:
My Beloved Carp:
And my gorgeous Ula:
You know, I joined this forum because of Carp.
He was my favorite.
And Ula, when I first got him, I was so ignorant I thought he was a girl.
What a personality those fish had... 
My Beloved Carp:

And my gorgeous Ula:

You know, I joined this forum because of Carp.

And Ula, when I first got him, I was so ignorant I thought he was a girl.