

Fish Crazy
Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
the mitten state
When your bettas flare do you ever see them twitch kinda? mine always do that along with their ventrals back and forth. To me twitching is a sign that thats when they fullly flare(I then grab my camera). If they are HM like mine they will go fullspread. Also if a HM betta blows out it tail does that mean their is some potential it could become OHM? :huh:
Yeah mine do the twitchy thing with the ventrals too when in full flare, the big show offs :lol:
When you say "blows out his tail" what do you mean? I read somewhere not too long ago a piece by a Thai betta breeder. He said the way Thai people make their delta bettas into HMs to sell to the rich Americans is they cut the tail along the rays (4 cuts I think he said), then put in almond leaf water to heal. New tail "skin" grows over the cuts filling the tail out to HM or more. Sounded kind of like people docking dog tails and ears for cosmetic purposes only.
If you read that piece on these forums, the breeder was Filipino, not Thai :p

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