Twin Spot Puffer Fish Not Eating


New Member
Mar 18, 2009
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i bought a twin spot puffer ages ago but brought him home friday
now by accident my tank had so much ammonia,nitrite and nitrate in it,it was sort of choking him to death
my boyfriend moved him into his tank with nothing in it and now hes back to life and old self again
he doesnt seem to want to eat his mussel.i feed him fresh defrosted whole mussels and he doesnt want to eat it
someone please help me im seriously worried

hes in a 200 litre tank at the moment too
and all the nitrite,nitrate,ammonia and ph levels are fine too
when was the puffer moved to the 200L ?

if its only been a few days then it may just be settling in to the new tank.
try the puffer on something like bloodworm or river shrimp. What was it being fed in the store?
it only bee a few days bt he swimming around and that,hes more active than before
he was being fed on mussel and occasionally cockels and a bit of blood worm
it only bee a few days bt he swimming around and that,hes more active than before
he was being fed on mussel and occasionally cockels and a bit of blood worm

Puffers generally will only feed a few times per week. so not going with food for a few days is not going to harm them.
Just keep the water stats spot on and keep offering different foods, when it wants to it will start eating

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