Twin Bettas? Anyone Bought Relatives?


New Member
Nov 9, 2005
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I stumbled on a near twin of one of my bettas tonight in a local Petco. Of course, I bought him to uh COMPARE, yes that's it.

So here is the comparison. Their colors are the same (although the lighting is different on the tanks so it looks different). The one bought today is obviously youngish as he is kind of small. The one I bought 9 months ago was BIG when I got him and is probably an old man. Both have the 'bald faces' and the red blotches in their fins are even in the same general places.

I had trouble getting new guy to flare well for the pics but he is just a little kid and hasn't learned the ropes.

Anyone had this happen? I know a lot of bettas look sort of alike, but these both have really weird colors and patterns and the SAME colors and patterns. I bought the old man in a Petsmart in one city 9 months ago and the new guy in a Petco in a sort of neighboring city.

Hmmm, makes you think.



Wow, those two could be clones!! :hyper:
I've seen dopplegangers of my bettas before, and my LFS regularly gets in fish that are obviously siblings (Adramelech's single-tailed brother is at my LFS right now, for example). Once I saw what was definitely a sibling of my midas hybrid in a pet store in a neighboring town... must have the same supplier as the place I got her at!

Must have been a "popular" strain. My now-deceased 'Furin' looked exactly like that, as well.

Very 'whoa'.
Funny you should say that! I'd never seen a single brown betta until recently. Then, all of a sudden, the 3 LFS I go to all had a crapload of brown VTs, all of the same age, and even the same eye color. I almost bought some chocolatey friends for Shokora, but I'd be drawn and quartered if I bring home another betta :lol:

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