Twenty Gallon Tank


Fish Addict
Dec 30, 2006
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i have a 20 gallon tank that at one point in time (when i was like five) we kept salt water fish in and it later became my hermit crab's heaven. i scrubbed the crap out of the thing and i now want to keep (what else) bettas in there. i was thinking of using the filter/heater and dividing that section off and then dividing a threeish gallon portion off for a male and then using the rest for girls. could i keep around 10 in there? if you subtract the part used for the heater/filter and for the boy, would that be a good amount?
Here is by 20g. It holds 1 male, on the left side of the devider, where the heater is. On the right it holds two females and 2 cory cats, and the filter. I've just moved the devider slightly so girls actually have about 12gs to themselves and Bubbles has 8gs. It would be quite easy to partition off say 4gs for a male and 14gs for 5 or 6 females. Though I'd suggest a few good hiding spots. I've used real plants and a hiding log. I've got the filter about 6 inches away from the devider, aimed at the devider. This slows down the flow, and practicaly no ripples appear on the boys half. Though the water still circulates around the tank thanks to the little holes in the devider.


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