Though i think tweety pie needs to go on a diet, i think they have been crossed bred with common goldifsh though.
Thank you so kind, though i no pamper them.
At that size you should be able to sex them. The males vent goes in and the females comes out a bit and if theres the tubercles on the gills and front fins then it shows the male as well.
Hi Wilder I love your fish... my one thats poorly is the same as your ryukin but without the shape of course. When they have white on the end of their fins is it where they have been trimmed then? as I have an orange black telescopic by himself at the moment ..he was going to go in with the others but I bought him just before xmas and I had my suspicions about my big one then so didnt put them together. He has got white tips to his tail. I have just got him a new filter (more money dont tell hubby prices) and he keeps playing with the water outlet. Best go got animals to feed before school.