

Fish Addict
Nov 22, 2005
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south wales uk
is there any tankmates for turtles? ihave two flyer cihclids...one 7" and the 0ther 6".. quite deep bodied fish. 4" + 3" deep bodied.
what is the smallest species of turtle?
will it be ok in a 48" x 16" x 18"?
iv tried googling for info but couldnt find this info
Hi Dany,
The smallest turtle I can think of off the top of my head would be a mississippi mud or a 3-stripe mud. They reach about 3 1/2" to 4". :nod: I don't believe these turts are the greatest of swimmers and about a foot of water is recomended as adults.
Turtles are really dirty in an aquarium due to the diet so you would need a good filter but i am still not sure how fish would cope living in the same water :unsure:
Saying that i have never kept them but a friend of mine does and he is always doing water changes
yes, a good filter is a must also! A lot of people feed them in a separate container because of this. I should point out if feeding in a separate container it must have water in it because aquatic turtles can only eat and swallow in water! I feed in my tank, but make sure that I do not feed too much......I have never had an issue keeping my tank clean. I have posted in other threads about turtles and fish, but will tell again that I have guppies, minnows, plecos, snails, ghost shrimp, and singapore shrimp in my turtles tank. They are all still alive and the guppies are breeding like mad! The singapore shrimp and plecos are a little bigger than the turtle, but the guppies and minnows, as I am sure you can imagine, are quite smaller......maybe my turtle is just not a good hunter? Most turtles are carnivorous as hatchlings and more omnivorous, but this does not mean they will not eat meat as adults!!!
You can put anything in a turtle tank but if the turtle can catch it he/she probabally will eat it. I have neon tetras with my RES and he cant catch them.. He gave up.

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