Turtle Care?


Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2003
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A pond in Canada
I was wondering if I could trim the nails of my turtle....since is has grown quite long in the past few months

My turtle is about 10 inches in size

Also, are there any other things in terms of care for my turtle?
I would think you could trim them...just becareful that you don't cut too much off because they could bleed. If that happens using some flour will stop the bleeding.
Elisabeth83 said:
I would think you could trim them...just becareful that you don't cut too much off because they could bleed. If that happens using some flour will stop the bleeding.
flour? where did you hear this?
flour + liquid + glue...

i was wearing powdered rubber gloves today and my hands got very sweaty inside of them. the powder (talc maybe?) seeped into all of the cuts on my hands and it was quite uncomfortable...

check out kingsnake.com and ask on one of their forums. thats where i go for all of my turtle questions.
My Mom used to work for a Vet clinic and I used to go there quite often and that is what was recommended to people. At the clinic they use these little cauterizing (sp?) sticks but people at home dont have those so flour is recommended instead. My mom uses it a lot because she raises parrots and sometimes she accidently trims the nail too short and it bleeds. Birds dont have too much blood to begin with so you have to stop the bleeding asap and flour is what will help it stop.
My turtle is aquatic
I think it is wild because it doesnt like packaged food and only eats live fish...(I found it injured on the road a year ago)

I thought it was dogs whos nails bleed when overcut...
jacblades said:
check out kingsnake.com and ask on one of their forums. thats where i go for all of my turtle questions.
you go to kingsnake, too? Cool! THat's also where I go for all my herp questions. Have a box turtle, an anole, a pacman, a green frog, and one frog-to-be. Soon to get a beardie.

And yeah, what kind of turtle is it--other than aquatic? How can you take good care of an animal if you don't even know what species it is? I'm getting the feeling that you might need to start doing a little more research.

Oh, and if dogs bleed when you clip their toenails, well, why can't turtles? They're still toenails--only makes sense, doesn't it?
there is also www.austinsturtlepage.com and www.turtleforum.com, these are both fantastic sites for turtle care, no matter what kind and they will also help ID your your turt!

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