I keep BLASTING with that thing. I went to use it to dispense blood worms (a bit of an experiment, usually I use chopsticks), and BOOM, bloodworm explosion.
I find that a turkey baster is too big and clumsy for small jobs like feeding bloodworm, so I use pipettes. You can get plastic ones really cheaply. The place I get mine is in the back of our local craft store (Hobby Lobby) kinda in the kids section where they have science kit accessories and such.
Having used the turkey baster, I now find chopsticks superior on all counts.
I was basically trying to feed my ADFs, but since the betta forum has more experience with turkey baster style feeding, I thought I'd get a better response here.
I'm glad I didn't try it on my bettas first. They'd have jumped out of their socks.
I also use tweezers to feed the blood worms as they only get about three at each feeding. Anything more and I lose a fish to either a bacterial infection or dropsy.
I guess I am one of the only people who uses their finger to feed bloodworms. I don't particularily like the smell, but I do wash my hands before and after I feed. All of my fish eat from my hands, not just my bettas.