Turbo Snails


Fish Fanatic
Feb 14, 2006
Reaction score
Edinburgh, Scotland
Hey been reading up on Turbo snails and found some mixed oppinons on these little Inverts. Mainly good comments eat algee of glass, craze on rock etc etc. which is fine.

But one comment I did come across was that they are sometimes knon to 'bulldoze' rock which i can only take to mean they distroy it? Has anyone had this problem? or know anything more on this point, prob nothing but thought id check if anyone else knew of this trait.

I have 15 turbo snails in my Jewel 240 (52approx uk gallon tank) after reading this comment i just wanted to make sure these guys arent going to eat away at my rock!! :blink:

Thanks in advance!!
I would take that comment as knock it over from moving about. I'm pretty certain the dont eat it and so long as u build ur rock up stable then i doubt they would knock it over. I'm not an expert tho so best waitin for confirmation.
Hehe, no, they only knock perilously perched rocks over every now and again. Its pretty rare that that happens, but if you have a rock that is close to falling over, sooner or later a turbo will bump it and topple it. Very rarely happens though
they don't topple rock too often as it is fairly heavy and it takes a lot of force from the snail usually. They do however like to knock over corals if you don't epoxy them to your rock. Personally I use superglue gel instead of epoxy and the turbos can knock my coral loose from time to time. Don't worry about them eating or destroying the rock as they don't do that.
thanks guys these are the sort of comments I was hoping to hear. It funny how everyone can interpret info on web differently. Thats fine if by buldoze they mean knock over as all my rock seems sturdy enough and is in pretty big pieces so that shouldnt be a problem.

sorry to go a little of topic now but rather than start another topic, I've just found some little green bubbles (four) which I think from looking at the page of info on algaes on Xtalreef to be VALONIA AKA BUBBLE ALGAE from what I read these are 'Bad' and should be removed either manually or by introducing a crab. They dont seem to be rapidly growing or spreading as it said thy could. Have you guys ever had these? Have u removed them or should i leave them for now and just monitor them??

Here is a link to the info i found on them My Webpage
I've mercifully never had them. From what I've read though, its a good diea to get rid of them cause if they're not growing now, they probably will at some point in the future. Ged rid of them now while theres only a few. Much easier that way ;). I'd try an emerald crab first, ut thats just me :)
Well asked in LFS today and he said the same get them out, by twisting gently and just taking out. Proving to be easier said than done as they are so tiny, tried tweezers and the one i tried burst so stopped. really unsure how im gonna get rid of these little guys.

might just have to be an emerald crab will do some research on those guys.

the easiest way is to remove the rock they are on and work on them out of the tank. The only way they spread is if they burst. So if one bursts in the tank there are sure to be more to follow. If you do it out of the tank and one bursts just rinse it with some RO or salt water from a water change and it will keep it from spreading in the tank.

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