Turbo Snail Died


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2007
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Found him not moving for 3 days i went to see this morning was white stuff like mucous floating around it. yup it died and stinks like hell!!!

Any percautions i need to take to insure my two fish will not get sick from this?
Unless he was massive and you have a really small tank it will probably be fine, you can check the ammonia and nitrite to make sure and if these are raised then do a water change.

I had a lot of issues with snails from my LFS when I set up my first tank and didnt have much luck keeping any of them alive (most where half dead when I got them). So you might want to try getting them from another source as well.
i did a water change 25% and since i am new at cleaning the sand i hope i got all the crap. i dont think i'll get anymore snails i just wanted something to help clean the poo on the sand and liverock. the tank is 30gal i guess it should be fine.

are there any other things that will clean the fish poo on the sand and also liverock?
why no more snails?

I had a huge mexican turbo die that wasn't discovered soon after its death... To this day its still the worst smell I've ever experienced in my life.
was it a true turbo or an astrea snail? Astreas are regularly mislabelled here in the uk.

I've never been able to keep an astrea alive for more than 2 weeks. Mainly due to them being unable to right themselves.

As long as you acclimate them sloooooowly most snails should be fine though.

Snails perform valuable tasks in your tank. Get some ceriths/turbos for your algae and get some nassarius for the detritus in the sand bed.
no, it was a true turbo snail. what elase can i get that will cleanup the fish poop left on the sand and leftover food that drops??

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