Turbo Snail Babies?


New Member
Mar 8, 2008
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I brought some turbao snails a few weeks ago to combat my hair algae problem which they seem to be making a very good job of but now it seems we have babies, 100's.........1000's of them all over the glass!!!

Can anyone suggest anything that i could put in the tank to eat them??

I know when I had a problem like that in my fresh water tank i got a few clown loach and the problem was gone in no time a quick solution like that would be fabulous!!
Sure they're snails and not tiny featherdusters? Do they move?
If those really are Turbo offspring, I'd think killing them off is the last thing you'd want to do. Getting those snails to spawn in captivity is no easy task - better to take them off to a store if you can collect them from the tank and get them into a bag.

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