Tuesday August 27th is National Banana Lovers Day


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Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
Today is National Banana Lovers Day.
I’m celebrating this day by adding banana slices to my Cheerios Cereal for breakfast. Later today, I will make a smoothie with pineapple, yogurt, strawberries, cranberry juice and of course a banana.
How are you celebrating National Banana Lovers day?
:banana: :dreads::banana3::banana2::jumprope::rainbow::rock: :banana:
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:banana:I try to eat a banana every day. :banana:
and then we have "The Banana Boat Song"
and we can't forget Veggie Tales
Oh... and we must watch the Muppets banana song

The 60s were a strange time. When this song came out the rumor was that if one took the stings from the banana peel and dried them out, you cou could get high from smoking them. For a while bananas were selling out in the markets.

In June 1967, journalist Sara Davidson visited New York City to report on a “three day cosmic love-in” taking place in Central Park. The young participants in this “hippie happening” costumed themselves in a medley of outrageous and sexually ambiguous fashions: tattered jeans and flannels, western boots, Benjamin Franklin glasses, Indian gear, and tie-dyed T-shirts. But especially noteworthy to Davidson was the sight of a young hippie in a wizard hat, selling bananas on an East Village corner. The bananas were being sold for ten cents each, with a three-cent deposit on the skins. “Anyone who heard [folksinger] Donovan sing ‘Mellow Yellow’ knew why,” she remembered. “Smoking banana peels could get you high. Outtaaaaa-sight!”

Unfortunately, we quickly learned how silly this really was. But we were young and foolish then........

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