Tubing Popping Off Co2 Nano Glass Diffuser


Fish Crazy
Feb 14, 2009
Reaction score
Midlands England
I've just purchased 2 glass nano diffusers from Ebay (Hong Kong) to use with my DIY Co2 mix in a 2.5g

The tubing I'm using is from the Nutrafin kit thingy ... the one with the ladder but the ladder is too big for this little tank so went for these little bad boys B-)

Well ... I did the mix only the other day so it's still fresh and is bubbling fine straight out of the tubing but when I attach it to the nano diffuser about 5 minutes later the tubing pops off :( obviously the seal isn't tight enough :/

What diameter tubing do people use with these? or has anyone else had the same problem? and how risky is it to just use normal airline tubing? :/

I've already smashed 1 diffuser trying to get the tubing as low down as I could ... so only 1 left :(

Thanks in advance :)
Thanks for the reply :good:

I don't have any trouble getting the tubing on however, the reason I broke it because I was trying to get it down too far and was squeezing the glass probably (I'm heavy handed) :rolleyes:

It's as if the tubing is actually too wide ... what happens to normal airline if I use that?
If using normal tubing you will find that after a while the tubing will become brittle.

If the tubing you are using is a little too big it is probably slippling off due to the pressure of the gas building behind the diffuser. I never had much success using them on a yeast based system there was never enough pressure to get thru the difusser.
Thanks again :)

I tried the 2nd diffuser I had and the tubing seemed to be a lot tighter on this one ... it wasn't popping off anyway ... compared the 2 and there was a bit of a difference in size :rolleyes:

Anyway I waited ages and nothing ... I've a feeling like you said there's not enough pressure to get through :( ... oh well, more money wasted then :-(

Anyone got any other ideas on diffusion? ... it's a small tank though so nothing unsightly :D
not sure how long you have waitd, but it used to take about 30mins for bubbles to start coming through when i used fermentation. You could run it through the filter? or buy a limewood diffuser which are used in the marine side. They produce smaller bubbles than regular airstones.

size of airline's usually range from 4-6mm.

I've waited pretty much an hour ... probably 45 minutes actually :p still nothing :(

I'll give it another go at some point but I won't hold my breath :(

I'm running a tiny internal filter in there, is it just a case of drilling a small hole in the side and shoving the tubing in? whereabouts? ... in the bottom so it goes through the sponge first, or near the top? :/

I've jammed a chopstick in the end of the tubing for now ... giving off smaller bubbles but I'm still not happy :p
I drilled a hole near the bottom of the filter and fed the airline thru and then added an airstone. The airstone will produce smaller bubbles which will be broken up again by the filters impellor and also stops the tubing from being pulled out of the filter.
i suppose drilling is an option, however i usually reccomend sticking it through the slits if possible, or run it through an airstone (or limewood) beside the filter so that the filter sucks the bubbles up.

hoever that depends whether the filter will be strong enougj.

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