
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Crazy
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Rochester, MI
Ok so I bought (will win shortly) a 30 gallon hex tank on aquabid that I dont' need until my platys, goodieds drop some fry for me...anyway i have a 10 gallon with corys too, and one of my ideas when i first got back into the hobby was to take a hex tank, cut a hole in the glass then take a tube seal it to the tank using I'm assuming sillicone of some sort or some safe glue (any ideas??) then take my cories out of the 10 gallon to empty it then basically do the same thing then fill both tanks and that way after both filters, etc. are all up and running i would have a 10 gal connected by this small pipe to the 30 gallon so the cories and fry could go back and forth b/w tanks...what do you think?? Any ideas?? am i crazy?? LOL


ive seen this done before, and i think one of the mod's had a link for it too it was something like fish highway, just make sure that the tube is as large as poss even for fry like and that the gap between is as small as poss good luck
ive seen this done before, and i think one of the mod's had a link for it too it was something like fish highway, just make sure that the tube is as large as poss even for fry like and that the gap between is as small as poss good luck

thanks for your help! hopefully i'll find it and get it set :D
this is where you meant i think My Webpage and OMG that is way more than I'm thinking LOL just one simple tube connecting my two that thing is crazy...the pictures though are very cool...i can only imagine the time and money that went into that...but seriously, what kind of glue or something could i use when i get this thing going?
yeh that was the link, and why not just silicon? you can use hot glue guns too i think but i don think its the best idea on glass, you are planning to drill them right?

btw those are products i think,
yeah i have no idea what i would do yet...just trying to think out loud in this forum and see if anyone had any advice etc. for me.. :hey: yeah i will post pics if I can do it...I may ask my step mom for help since she does a lot of glass work in her basement...and yeah that website is just crazy and i don't think i would want to buy that lol
Hot glue will not hold the pressure over time and you're pretty much left with waterproof silicone
hehe thanks im pretty geeked....also found out the 30 gal hex has no lid guess ill have to look for directions on how to make one of those too ;) i also got two more platys today at the store so im pretty geeked, and my male betta is finally eating fr brine hopefully that gets his bubble nest going... :hey: then ill have some fry to put in the crazy aqua land...

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