Trying To Set Up Co2 ?


New Member
Nov 12, 2006
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I'm putting the 5lb Co2 with the regulators and i have the Co2 breaker inside the tank, so do i have to leave it on all the time, or just turn it on couple times a day, i have like 1 boble a 2-3 sec. right now, so i don't know if this is ok.
Curently i have
46 gallons bow front tank
10 neon tetras want to get like 10 more and some other small fishi
1 Dwarf Gurami
1 Chinese Alge Eater
1 Common Pleco
3 Donio Rerio
Plants for right now( My test plants)
1 Cyperus Hetfery
1 Broad Leaf(Purple temle) looks like it
2 Sagittaria Subulata
1 Amazon Sword
1 Coffefolia
Running under 35w plant grow flourecent bulb, (2- 95w Power compact lights,running like 10 hours)

Thank you..
Leave the CO2 running all day whilst the lights are on, and switch off when the lights go off. You can get a solenoid which will do this for you when connected to a timer. You want the CO2 to come on about an hour before your lights so that it gives it time to build up in the water, ready for the plants to use up when the lights come on. Then switch off when the lights go off.
Do this everyday.
Alternatively, if youre too lazy to turn it on and off every day (like me really) and too cheap to buy a solenoid (like me again) you can leave it on 24/7, and connect a air pump to a cheap 2 pound timer. Have the air bubble through an airstone at night; this will provide the agitation needed to release the CO2 from the water and let some O2 into the water at night.
Cool, but i got the regulator with the solenoid so i set it up with the timer, works good now, but i want to know how many bobles i need, like you know 1 boble to 1 or 2 sec.??? well thats what i have right now.
Cool, but i got the regulator with the solenoid so i set it up with the timer, works good now, but i want to know how many bobles i need, like you know 1 boble to 1 or 2 sec.??? well thats what i have right now.
My suggestion is to experiment. Get pH and KH tests and determine your CO2 concentration... see where that takes you.

I've seen many recommend 2 bubbles per second. Not sure on what tank size that is for.
Cool, but i got the regulator with the solenoid so i set it up with the timer, works good now, but i want to know how many bobles i need, like you know 1 boble to 1 or 2 sec.??? well thats what i have right now.
My suggestion is to experiment. Get pH and KH tests and determine your CO2 concentration... see where that takes you.

I've seen many recommend 2 bubbles per second. Not sure on what tank size that is for.

46 gal

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