Trying to Save Betta!!!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 25, 2023
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Hi everyone!

I saw this poor guy at the pet store and felt really bad:

Underwater Beak Feather Bird Fin

He was in one of those tiny cups…
I brought him home and tested the water in the cup… the ammonia was off the chart, I even checked it twice. It was over 8, I’d guess around 12. Red tipped fins makes me think fin rot. He’s currently in a 1.4 gallon quarantine (have a bigger tank when he gets better, or may re-home him), heated at 72 degrees and steadily rising to 80. I tried to give him bug bites and frozen bloodworms (picking up extras) but he refused to eat them. I last tried live baby brine shrimp and he did start to eat those. The quarantine tank has a sponge filter and I started treating him with salt and API fin and body cure yesterday. My water parameters are in check at 0ppm ammonia and nitrites, and 10ppm nitrates. No tank mates. I added tannins with Indian almond leaves and driftwood.

Any and all advice appreciated!!!
No advice as I'm nowhere near experienced enough but I hope the little guy pulls through!
clean warm (80-84F) water and live food like adult brineshrimp and mozzie larvae. If he doesn't eat, he will probably die.
He was eating live baby brine shrimp, but he sadly died this morning…:( thanks for your advice.

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