Trying to Raise bristlenose plec frys


Fish Addict
Aug 9, 2004
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Night 1.

There is a hole in the nest and 6 have fallen out, so i have put them into the 5 gal.
I just did a 10% water change is the breeding tank, filled it back up, and took 20% outa the fry tank, then filled it up with the breeding tank water.
They seem to be doing fine at the moment, cept one... i think hes deformed of something...
How are you catching the fries? Depending on the method, you could damage those fries....
how you told me, i have a little cup, they werent on the glass, they were on the ground so i just scooped them up VERY carefully.
no damage at all :D
So exciting Sam!
Please keep a journal just like yhbae does!
I love hearing about those babies
Too bad I can't breed my medusa head, Have To Find A Female!
:wub: :wub:
Medusa? is that a xenocara ancisterous? just curious. Mmmm dont expect all the young uns to make it and if a few are deformed thats just the course of nature. If it gets larger and the deformity is not harming it, by all means keep him/her but seperate it from breeding stock to cut down on the amount of deformities at hatching.....
Hey, i know u'll grow these youn uns up well, what species are they in any case?

Oh and well done in getting them to breed :clap:
I think its similar to how people refer to the common pleco, but in reality there are a number of species that are sold as the common plec, ah well i was merely curious :D They keeping well then?
well he keeps going to the surface... he looks fine tho, i dont know whats wrong with him.

My fry are growing up fast, in 1 night you can see they look like a plec. cept they got big egg sacs for stomach's :p
Day 2.

I lost 2... because they got sucked into the filter, which is now covered like yours ybhae.
Their egg sacs are shrinking, the ones with the dad are shrinking faster tho.
I am just about to do another water change, prob %30 from my fry tank and 10 - 20% from my breeding tank.
Thats about it i will keep you updated.
About covering the inlet, be watch out! If you are feeding zuchini in that tank, it can get clogged up quite easily. I need to unclog it pretty much daily, otherwise water flow get seriously constrained...

Good luck! ;)
also can get cloged up with fry if your not careful :p
you didnt warn me of that! hehe better i learnt from my mistake i guess.
1 out of 4 in the fry tank is ALOT bigger then the rest, and also is getting his colours, and hes still got his egg sac... its weird. But all is well atm.
I think i should have another batch after this one, my big fat pregnant female keeps going to the spawning place for some reason... and doesnt get chased off, I saw her in there at one stage and i came in the room and she swam off... somethings going on..
The yolk on some fish is merely a supplementary thing, it dosent always consume it before becoming free feeding. Ur large one may be eating a lot and not having to rely on its yolk as much as the others. This one sounds very healthy and u may want to set him/her aside for future breeding projects.
Day 3

All is going well in both tanks, they are starting to get color and are also loosing the egg sacs.
I now have 5 in the fry tank out of 7, 2 got stuck in the filter. The male is still guarding them very well still, altho he isnt constantly on them anymore.
I would say theres about 1-2 days left and they fry should be free swimming and eating.
I just did a 20% water change in the fry tank and a 10% in the breeding tank.
All is going well :D
i just checked the ones with the dad, and they seem to be growing alot faster then some in my fry tank. Maybe the water in my breeding tank is alot better quality and also it could be cos they are with their dad... there could be many reasons to this as i would like to know.
Altho, Yesterday a fry escaped from the nest, it could have been the day b4, I caught him and he seems to be ALOT browner then all the other and is also bigger... he is bigger then all the ones in the fry tank (hes in there now tho) and all the ones in the breeding tank. Its quite odd.

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