Trying to make a bubblenest?


Fish Crazy
Jan 9, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Tx
Hey everyone! I had a question about the behaviour of my VT WalMart adoption. I've noticed that sometimes he'll hang around in one spot, go up to the surface, get a mouthful of air, go back down about an inch below the water line, and spit a few bubbles up to the top of the tank. Is he trying to make a bubblenest or is this something I should be concerned about?
It sounds like that's what he's doing, although he'd need to release the bubbles back at the surface to be successful. Do you have a filter running? Perhaps he's just trying to find a way to make a bubble nest work since the filter keeps the surface disturbed. When Orion was working on his, he would go up and take a deliberately big gulp of air, then swim under the ledge where his filter rests and release a couple bubbles. But sometimes he'd release them while he was still a couple inches under the water.

Perhaps someone more experienced in betta behavior will clarify this more certainly though :)
Usually when your betta is making a nest you will see him point his mouth to a specific place. Bettas sometimes take too much air per gulp so they have to realease it. That is probly what your betta is doing. Look at your betta when he is doing this. is his body at a steep angle like he is aming for the surface to a specific place? or is he just letting out the extra air that he gulpled.

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