I have a 125 FOWLR tank that has been up and running for a year and a half. Occupants are listed in my sig. You might think that I would have some problems from the scopas tang and the yellow tang being in the same tank, and while they do flare at each other and wave scalpels, there has never been anything serious come of it, there is plenty of room in the tank for "territories". However, lately I have noticed that my spiny box puffer is not as outgoing as he used to be, he will still take food from my hand but it takes a little coaxing to get him to come to the front of the tank, whereas before he used to be front and center whenever he saw you come into the fishroom. I think this is coming from the fact that the scopas tang has turned into the biggest fish in the tank, and while the other fish can take the "heat", the spiny box finds it easier just to "lay low" and wait for him to go away. So, with this theory in mind, I am thinking about starting up yet another saltwater tank, kind of a refuge tank if you will for the spiny box, he is one of my favorite fish. My question is, do different species of puffers get along well in the same tank. The tank I will be setting up will be a 50 gal, probably with an Emperor 400 and a protein skimmer, deep sand bed and live rock. I am interested in getting a dog faced puffer. Any input on this idea greatly appreciated.