Trying To Figure Out If Platy Is Pregnant Or Not..


New Member
Feb 8, 2011
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I am very new to fish.. i was told platys are great starter fish.. and to my surprise a month after getting my first 3 platies, one dropped fry.. (the day after i added new fish to the tank). Well.. one of the new platies looks like she has a gravid spot? I haev read about the gravid spot but not sure if this is it.. the one that just had her fry didnt have a gravid spot that i could see.. and dropped 14 fry. can you please check out the pics below and tell me if this one is pregnant.. and how soon to expect fry approximatly?
Thanks so much in advance.

here is a second picture of her.. hopefully it is not too blurry. she is the bottom one


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You'll probably have to wait for one of our more livebearer-experienced members to come along if you want a prediction like that. To my eye she doesn't look all that close but she could be quite young and not display as pronounced a look. I'm just not that good at it. WD
Here I come to save the day WD.
If you have a livebearer that has squared off, it may well be close to a drop B Hoffman. By the way, welcome to our site.
There is a thread in the livebearer section of the forum that is intended to let each person be the "expert" on their own fish when it comes to judging how soon to expect a drop. I link to it in my signature area with a link I have called "my molly's progress'. It is a simple thread that I put together with pictures from one drop to the next of one of my mollies. I have posted lots of pictures taken every few days during the 6 weeks it took her to drop fry again. In her case, the 6 weeks was correct. Some livebearers are not going to take quite that long but I hope the commentary helps you figure out just what stage your fish are at. My molly female is no longer with us but her breeding process has left a mark here that I hope is worthwhile for new breeders.
Thank you.. nice to find a website to chat about the fish and get advice.. I know nothing about fish!! So she probably is pregnant then? As long as I know that, then I can at least try to save her babies. I have been keeping a close eye on them.. I have another one that is rather large.. but do not see a gravid spot on her.. so not sure if she is just well fed or pregnant.
Thanks for the info..

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