Trying To Decide


Jan 11, 2007
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upstate new york
I'm having a hard time choosing who I want to spawn. I only have one female, but 3 males that I would like to try with her. The female I am going to use is a steel blue marble hm. Heres a photo of her from when I first got her. Now she is solid blue with an almost full mask of blue.

Working on an updated photo still.

Now heres the fist boy who I think will get the most votes. He is a turquoise blue butterfly ohm with a black mask. I have tried these two together before, but he ate the eggs(in hind sight I don't think they were conditioned enough). His photo doesn't do him justice at all.


Next up is a white opaque sd/hm. He does have a slight blue irridecence to him. Unfortunately my computer and photobucket aren't working so I can't post photos till the morning.

Last is my yellow/cellophane ohm. He has some light metallics on his body that almost make him a yellow dragon butterfly. Again due to the disagreement between my computer and photobucket his photo must wait till morning.

Let me know what you guys think.
If you've got the space, time, equipment and a way of selling the babies, then I would used the boy you have photo'd. But then I'd be using the parents to bring out good and 'matching' things to reproduce and improve on in the fry. So I'd take a look at the male and female I have, work out whether I think their body shape and sizes are as they should be and to my liking, their fins - too long? too short? And colour. Do you have a market for blues, marbled blues and any other random colour and tail type you may get thrown in? Does either Mum or Dad have a colouring somewhere that you would like to eliminate or so?

In fairness, I've only done one spawn so far, but I do have more planned when space allows and I have a suitable girl for my dragon Bunsen. But I have chosen my pairs according to their bodies, genetics (tails, colours, relation to the male/female it is to be paired with) and trying to improve on certain things. For example: I got a red Crowntail Plakkat from Netty on here, about 8-9 months ago. He is a beautiful fish and I love his elegance and movement, but his ray extensions where something I wanted to shorten in his fry. So I got a sister to him, with shorter rays and the perfect genes for him (being from the same batch) and used her.
I would say use the pictured one - the metallic blue of the male would mix well with the colouration of the female..

however - I think the yellowy one sounds pretty cool - you'd get some awesome spawns off that pairing (It just depends wether you want all blue mostly or random colours haha)

either way - good luck :good:
All the fish I've got listed above have great coloring. The only one with color that needs working on is the opaque really. If I could get matching females for all my fish I would love to do just that, but its hard to find nice fish around here. Hopefully when the weather settles(we just got over 6 inches of snow over night) I can find some on aquabid.
honestly the next spawn I do I am going to try and get as wide a range of colors as possible, around me it it much harder to move a single color spawn then a multi color spawn.
honestly the next spawn I do I am going to try and get as wide a range of colors as possible, around me it it much harder to move a single color spawn then a multi color spawn.

i would try either the cellophane or the pictured.

give the pictured one another chance to have some children, and if children do come of him or the others could you ship a few babies to me in East Palestine Ohio? :blush: the mother is beautiful! i want her genes in my bettas. :drool:

pm me! :good:
i think i'm going to do a spawn with the blue butterfly male just cause he is such a good match with her, and we know what will most likely come from them. then give her time to heal and recondition her and try a spawn with the cellophane to see what comes out of that pairing.

if all goes well and i get a decent turn out from the spawns i will be sure to give first pick to you guys on here.
i think i'm going to do a spawn with the blue butterfly male just cause he is such a good match with her, and we know what will most likely come from them. then give her time to heal and recondition her and try a spawn with the cellophane to see what comes out of that pairing.

if all goes well and i get a decent turn out from the spawns i will be sure to give first pick to you guys on here.

sweet!! great choice!!

luv your fish!!!
Alright even though I've already decided on my general coarse of action I figure I might as well share the other boys that didn't get posted yet so you all know what I'm really working with.
Heres the cellophane guy. Sorry his photos all came out crappy but here is the best i could get.

Heres a few of the opaque guy.


Oh and here is the updated shot of the female that is being used.


Heres my royal blue guy who I have thought about using also from time to time. His fins have healed up nicely since his photos were taken.


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