Trying some Salvina Cucullata ( water moss ) again

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Been looking for a floater, that can handle a relatively high water flow… I’ve had best luck so far, with water lettuce, and water hyacinths, but both collect too much muck on their roots, and are higher maintenance than I’m looking for in this tank… I’ve had this plant before in my Asian tank, but it got too heavily grazed, and didn’t work out in that tank… I think it will be a better fit in this one… so I have some new one in shipping now…

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Got this today… looks good… I think the problem before, was in the Asian tank, the adult Tin Foil Barbs grazed it too heavily… been looking for the right fit, for this tank, and have been through 4-5 different floaters for this tank
Following, wonder if this one will tolerate getting splashed, unlike some of the other sorts I tried.
mine ride low on the surface, so they are pretty wet most of the time...

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