Truly Finalized Betta Room (i Mean It This Time)


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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Ok, so I stayed up until 2:00am yesterday and FINALLY finished the betta room! I set Betta Bum's new girls up in their divided 10g, put Pitaya on a stand, and put the two new-ish rescues in new tanks. I thought I'd post it, and I promise this is the last set-up post for a while, since I don't have any more tanks to put new bettas in :lol:


Ah, back to being nice and spread out with no more 2.5g's!

The only unchanged thing

Reebum's tank and the divided girly tank.

Pitaya's tank and the cockroach tank.

Close-up of the split girl tank.

Close-up of Jaser's new 5 gallon Minibow.

Close-up of Buckeye's new 5g

Close-up of Jaser himself, who is healing AWESOMELY.

Holly (Now named Sumalee), who has a little scrape on her back from learning about how filters work. -_-

Luna (Now named Leucothea)

Absolutley beautiful..
Love that last fish.. IS it blue cambodian?
I haven't the slightest what she is. She came from BettaBum, I think origionally from WalMart?
Very nice indeed :D

All your tanks look great, and your fish look so happy :)

I have to say something my life I've had to force feed baby snakes, clean up baby poo, dog poo, clean up vomit from everything from the hubby to the dog, deal with snakes, wolf spiders, bristleworms (in the salt tank), being stung by corals and felt the icky squishiness of mushroom corals when they slimed, but please, oh please tell me you mean something else when you say that you have a "cockroach" tank!! Say it isn't so!! :sick:
Wish i live in USa she would go in my sorority tank im setting up :p
Only if you stole her from me in my sleep! ;) My "rescue" is more of a permenant sanctuary; no one gets adopted out.

I have to say something my life I've had to force feed baby snakes, clean up baby poo, dog poo, clean up vomit from everything from the hubby to the dog, deal with snakes, wolf spiders, bristleworms (in the salt tank), being stung by corals and felt the icky squishiness of mushroom corals when they slimed, but please, oh please tell me you mean something else when you say that you have a "cockroach" tank!! Say it isn't so!!
Well... does the fact that they're massive madagascar hissing cockroaches make it any less gross? :lol:
Well... does the fact that they're massive madagascar hissing cockroaches make it any less gross? :lol:

no :no:

Despite the lure of your beautiful bettas I would not be able to enter that room!!

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