true pregnant guppy emergency



I have this pregnant guppy female that I'e been askin questions about for weeks. She's at the obnoxiously fat stage. Well, last night she stopped eating and I noticed what appeared to be a small dot of blood just under her skin like a tiny blood vessel popped. I thought maybe cuz she was just so huge. Well, I just got home from work and it looks rough right there. Not like fungus or anything, but like her skin cant handle the stretch and theres kina a small indenture where the red spot was like the skin came off of it. She seems stressed. If she starts dying, I'm going to have to cut the babies out which really sux, but she must have a big drop cuz shes sooo big so I'm not going to let all those babies die without trying. I just put some melafix in there and took out the carbon. What do I do? Please help if you know anything about this. I've been so excited about these babies.

Ok if u have a breeder this might be a good time to put her in it. U say she started devoloping humps on her abdomen that means she ready to give birth. Keep an eye on her if she dies in that moment take her to a flat surface with water and take the baies out. But i dough that they come alive
could they come out her side? She still swimming good but I'm worried that if she hurts those muscles she wont be able to squeese them out. I gotta leave the house in 20min for 1.5hrs and will be back. Do you think she could die before then if she's swimming good right now? I fed the others and turned out the lights. I just have a bunch of plants and leave them in there.
I see red or her stomoche underneath in the middle, almost like the silver layer under the scales tore a little.
if shes THAT big i would just wait it out... add a little salt maybe
salt should do the trick I swear I have some that looks like they are going to burst I plan on putting salt in with them tonite so they will be parents by morning
K, just got home and after 2 hours of melafix, she has what looks like a drop of redish clear liquid where the red spot was. Looks like its kinda clotting. This is not just a lumpy stomache. I use salt and water is 82. Amonia and ph are good. I'm worried about going to bed tonight cuz she may be dead by morning. Has anyone seen anything like this where the stomach actually ruptures?
can you post a picture so I can see what this looks like for myself I think its bellie is just starting to strech some myself she will probally have those babies by morning. It seems like they never have them when you are waithing on them
no, you dont understand, the silver is torn and theres a drop of fluid congealed over the opening. It's just a little up from her butt. It is and actual hole with fluid. Have disposable dig camera but doesn't do good up close and take time to develope.
just took pic and will post when developed. It's a redish blob protruding from a tear in the silver just up from the anus to be exact, but not chest, just right at bottom of very fat square belly. It's a trip. I swear. Maybe the pics will come out.
i hope it didnt just burst it sounds to me like this fish isnt going to make it I would keep a close eye and if it looks as if shes not going to make it cut the babies out of her but they are a real slim chance that they will live to. Do you have her in a tank by her self some of the other fish might start to pick at her when they notice her not moving much. I hope thinks go well for you I am sorry about your guppy
it looks like a organ protruding out. I think surgery is in order. It looks bad and she's staying in the plants. I can't stay up all night watching her. Anything else before I make my decision?
Turn the temp up a few degrees(comforts and helps the developement). Do you have her seperated? like a breeder trap of some sort? Does she have a some plants to go in? I find my females want to be isolated and somewhat shaded when giving birth so giving her a plant to sit beside and putting her in some kind of trap should help. Is she eating? I often feed my females rich foods like bloodworms or tubifex worms (while they're giving birth even) to keep their energy up
Good luck
bad news, fem started to die so I did the surgery and the babies were alive but under developed so the other fish ate them no prob. SUX!!!
You did the surgery in the main tank? I thought you were gonna do it in a isolated area :( Many fish will eat fry, its like a delicacy to most fish.
Well sorry to hear your loss of the mom and the fry, you did your best. The nice thing is with guppies there will always be more fry....

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