true or false


Fish Fanatic
Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
is it true that a fish kept in an aquarium will only grow in proportion to the size of the tank? e.g. a Bala shark kept in a 80 liter tank will be smaller than one kept in a 160 liter tank?
yes it will no grow fully. it will aslo die very young :(

not a good practise. but it would outgrow a 80ltr too. its just plain cruel. :(
internal organs will not grow properly and it will die at a very young age and live a very unhappy short life.

enough said really.
Fish will limit the size of there growth for a limited time in a small tank,

Gixer is right there internal organs will either be under developed or overgrow the fish's body size. The same applies for a over crowded tank..

its also not all fish that will stay small, but all will die young

a Gold fish could life up to 40 years, in a small tank/bowl the average life in only 1 year..

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