Truble With Pictus Catfish


Nov 4, 2005
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i had to cut him out of the net to get him free he seems ok but there is a realy realy small bit of the net on the fin that it got stuck in there it dose not seem to worry him its realy small it would be very hard to cut the little bit on his fin off with out hurting him and if i took him out to try the shock may evan kill him oh and the net bit is at the very very tip of the fin what should i do ???????????? is it posible to leave it ?
The netting will come away eventually, i've had a few pims get stuck this way when buying them, it usually takes a few months.
realy????????????? thats good cuz it would be realy bad lucky if he died cuz i like him so much i got a new big tank just for him and maby 2 or 3 other so he dose not feel sad by him self and i went to move him to the tank forgeting about the bad things nets can be to them

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