trouble with tiger barb


New Member
Sep 18, 2003
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Help we have two tiger babrs the smaller one is shivering and hiding in the tank and will not eat even when coakesed it is being chased around the tank every 5mins by the bigger one iam very worried as an albino barb in the same tank died last week!! help
Do you have a small hospital tank set up that you can put him in? If so, I would keep the lights off and not feed the first day and feed very sparingly the second day. Cleanup any uneaten food after 10 minutes or so.

He might be stressed because of the bullying. Once we find out that it's not any disease, I would get 6-7 more Tiger Barbs if these are your only 2.

I can't be sure of any disease based upon the given info tho. Does he have ragged fins or any visible signs of anything?

What size tank, what all is in there, how long has it been set up, what are your ammonia-nitrites and nitrates and how often do you change water/gravel clean and how much?
If it is not because of disease it could be because tiger barbs are quite aggessive fish, it is usually recommended that you keep six plus or one male to three females, it could be that you have a male and a female and the male is constantly harrasing the female i had a lone tiger barb(R.I.P) in my tank and harassed all his tank mates, i bought five young tiger barbs, he started off harassing them but when they ganged up on him he accepted them and formed a shoal and even stopped bothering all his tank mates

as smb said it could be a problem with your parameters so check them out first

good luck hope everything turns out ok
hiya i just checked the fish and its fins are raggedy and bitten we nwant to get red of the bigger one thats bullying and stressing it out but my mum doesnt think that the aquarium nwill take it bk any suggestions as to wot we should do with it
The comments made above are spot on....tiger barbs are real nippers and you must understand this before buying. That said I have 7 Green Tigers in one of my tanks and they are so busy with each other they havn't nipped anything. You can try upping your stock of them so it gives them more to think about but you tend to find in all tanks that theres a pecking order and removing the dominant one will only lead to another fish becoming aggressive.

The victim will be ragged with stress and banging around the tank running away but you need to get it a rest as the damage can lead to infections too.

good luck. If you find a solution that works let us all know...
U can try putting rosy barbs with the tiger barbs too...i had 10 tiger barbs and 6 rosy barbs in my another older tank...and they get along damn fine....maybe same barb family i guess....and always school together as well..haha..i have about 8 zebra danios and they dun bother nipping them i guess keeping tiger and rosy barbs in schools of 6 and above helps alot to solve the aggressiveness of barbs and their ba dhabit of fin nipping :look:
hi thanx for thwe advice we got rid of the nippy tiger barb and the other one has now regained its strength and its tail is growing back and its becoming more confident thanx to every1 who gave advice it was very appreciated

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