Trouble with Corys


Fish Addict
Jan 4, 2005
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Queens, NY
:-( I was thinking that maybe everyone thats been having trouble with corys dying for no reason can come together to try to sort the problem out. Is there anyone else having severe cory trouble? I lost 3 guys in 1 day. Its heartbreaking. I know I keep bringing up this topic but I NEED to find a solution.
I've lost 2 so far, the only real symptoms is loss of balance, trouble swimming, not moving much. No, it wasn't swimbladder.

I also lost a cory yesterday. It was spinning round then the next day it was dead. In the tank there are 3 sterbai, 2 bronze, 1 similis, 1 napoensis(i think it is anyway), 1 habrosus and 5 pygmy. It's really annoying that it was an habrosus that died because i haven't seen them in the lfs since i got these 2.

The only thing i think it could be is the change of temp. The tank was up to 29 today so i have had to leave the lights off it is usually around 25. No other fish seem to be affected.

Sorry for your loss

I have two Pandas recovering from fin rot. So far they seem to be doing good with the medication. I just hope they don't die once the treatment is over which ended yesterday.
You may be loosing the corys because you are buying cheap corys from rediculous LFS that buy from cheap importers.

Corys need to be of quality breed otherwise they become extremely sensitive...

Just my 2pence. I have kept corys in embarassing conditions (forgot about a tank). I have 8 pygmys, a sterbai and 2 peppered cory in a 5 gallon tank. They have never had problems, They are very active and healthy.

I don't get why people have so many problems with fish. I don't go over the top on my tank maintanence. I just vary my fish's diet and dont EVER feed at regular times. I just buy my fish from good suppliers and check the stock first.

Not directed at anyone in particular, just my 2pence.

I've kept cories nearly 4 years now and this is the first time ever I've gotten fin rot on any, and only the second or third time I've ever had a disease outbreak with fish. Period, so it's not the supplier or LFS in my area that are the problem. Sometimes you just get sick fish. :)

I've even gotten fish from Walmart that are thriving. My Peppered trio came from there and they look great.
RVEKISS; Did you read my post on this subject?
WE had two melini corys (according to the lfs so goodness knows what they really are!) both bought at the same time. One was fine and is perfectly healthy - the other died within a few days. None specific symptoms - it just died. I agree that sometimes you just get poorly fishies. The lfs in question in pretty good and quarantines all fish before sale. They just get their spellings a little muddled :lol: So as an add on - is there such a thing as a melini cory - it looks a little like a panda cory.

Sorry had to edit this post because I coulnd't spell "spellings" :rofl:
Is anyone checking their tank temp in all this seriously hot weather? The ideal temp for your average cory is 23/24degrees and they do not like it when it spirals up to 30 and usually don't live long after this- also emma that is alot of temperature change for the fish a such drastic fluctuations every night can spell stress and death for many fish.
I turned down my heater. The tank water feels cool to the touch but the thermometer says around 80.

The temp didn't fluctuate overnight it has gone up gradually over the last week or so. It is still really high and i have unplugged the heaters on the juwel tanks as they seem to be more affected than the others. I tried to turn the dial on the heater as low as it would go but as they don't have markings on them i have no idea what they are set at now (they won't go any lower). I am going to invest in some proper heaters like the ones in my other tanks. At least then i know what temp they are set at. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

The problem is, turning the heater down is only going to work until you get down to the temperature of the room: if the room is 30C, the heater can't take you any lower.

I've not had any further trouble (touch wood) since I improved ventilation (windows open all the time, tanklid propped half-open with the tank toothbrush) and started vacuuming the gravel twice a week, so I assume my cory's death was due to bacteria. For the livebearers an airstone did the trick; they now look very cool and relaxed. Otherwise I was planning to get a fan and point it against the tank.
2 pandas succumb to teh spinning dizzy thing which i think is either gill flukes or internal parasites. ive had 4 die with a small red dot on their bellies. ive had 2 die for no reason and 2 die because of a temperature drop when my heater gave out when i was on vacation
Fishy411 said:
2 pandas succumb to teh spinning dizzy thing which i think is either gill flukes or internal parasites. ive had 4 die with a small red dot on their bellies. ive had 2 die for no reason and 2 die because of a temperature drop when my heater gave out when i was on vacation
If they cannot maintain balance in the water/stay upright, its a swim bladder disorder and these are most often caused by internal bacteria(not parasites) and water quality issues. Gill flukes have nothing to do with swim bladder disorders and the symptoms are completely different.
How often do you clean your gravel? red dots on the belly indicates irritation from not thoroughly cleaned enough gravel or bacterial infections.
What are your recent ammonia, nitrate and nitrite stats? I would do a gravel vac and water change with dechlorinator ASAP.

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