Tropical Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
West Midlands UK
Hi i have a second tropical tank and was wondering what i could keep in it other than normal aquarium fish. I know my wife wants some form of crabs but was wondering it there is anything else i could put in it with the crabs etc or any recomendations would be good, its only a small tank 10gal but want something a bit diffrent,

Can anyone help me.

African Dwarf Frogs are totally aquatic and could live in your tank with other fish. You can see them in the index part of ttf.
Crabs and crayfish/lobsters tend to eat fish in general as they grow and some species will even eat each other, the same goes for shrimp although most shrimp species tend to be more peaceful- if the shrimps has claws and no fans, its predatory, as a general rule of thumb.
Here's some little critters that may interest you;

amano shrimp

this site also has tons of invertebrates listed;
Crabs are nice but they will eat whatever they can catch, they are also bad for climbing up filters, heater or any wires and getting out of the tank.

I think your best bet would be ghost shrimp, great to watch, no bother to your fish and there is a good chance they will breed like mine (seen plenty eggs but not a single baby). Shrimps could also climb out but crabs do it all the time, your tank could be like Alcatraz and they will get out.

I say shrimps, I have an albino african clawed frog aswell who doesnt cause any problems atall, he is GREAT FUN to watch but he is only small (about an inch) and I think when he gets bigger he may have to go on his own because they will eat small fish I was told.
Mick, just looking at ur signature, do ur angels not try and eat ur shrimp as I am looking for a new house for my shrimp an was scared my angel would use them as a between meals snack.
Never, the shrimps dont get hassled off any of my fish, they all just go about their business. Because there are alot of plants, wood and rocks in the tank there are loads of hiding places but they come out everyday and trot about like they own the place!
Never, the shrimps dont get hassled off any of my fish, they all just go about their business. Because there are alot of plants, wood and rocks in the tank there are loads of hiding places but they come out everyday and trot about like they own the place!

Great, thx, was beginning to fear for them with that lobster but thought the angels would be much worse as they attacked an otto I put in a while ago, even having a look at my cories for a while, but no problems now. thx.
remember angels have different personalities, we had a pair that used to love eating ghost shrimp, be very careful kneish.
remember angels have different personalities, we had a pair that used to love eating ghost shrimp, be very careful kneish.

I'm afraid that my two large black angel strike me as being very fond of eating anything small enough to fit in their mouths. I suppose I have to take the chance if I'm gonna lose them anyway, give them a fighting chance this way.
Lost one not 10 mins after the change, there are plenty of hiding places and hopefully the other 3 have learned from his mistake.

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