Tropical Pond Build- Advice?!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 30, 2008
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Hi, I am currently constructing a fish house and will be adding a tropical pond to it when completed- this will be around 9 x 5 x 3(d). We are toying with building it from brick or maybe even in a mould insitu out of concrete. Either method will be lined with fibre glass and incorporate a viewing window. Has anyone undertaken anything similar or have any ideas/ suggestions? The whole this will be above ground, cheers.
You say pond, but incorporating a viewing window. Are you planning on building it at ground level or raised up? Just having trouble envisaging it.

If you were planning on doing it at ground level, you could consider one of those plastic pond moulds they make that go in the ground. One of these!
my mate did the same thing for his koi pond, viewing window too. I would build it out of breeze blocks and then fiberglass it insitu.
If you search the net you can find out how to use the grp and where to buy the raw materials from.
I have built several ponds in this manner for people, few years ago though so out of touch with suppliers etc. what I can tell you though is that IF you are a practical person its not as hard as you'd think.
Will be well worth the effort IMO.

I see your in Derby, have you seen the tropical pond at Stapeley water gardens? I wanted to do it when I saw theirs.

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