Tropical Newt

Ray Townley

New Member
May 27, 2003
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re. aquatic newt.
i took this newt to an aquatic expert who identified it as a crested newt, which he said were common wild in this area and it was an offence to remove from the wild and keep captive.
so i have re-aclimatised it and released it back into the wild.
however i would like to thank you all for your help.
regards ray :D
Moved to oddballs you'll get more response here I think a couple of the members have newts so you should get a reply :hi: to the forum!
:hi: ray, welcome to the forum. i have neverhad a newt before so unfortunatly can not assist on that one. but there are others her who can I'm sure.
Do you know what kind of newt you have? That can play a big part in temperature requirements as well as whether they can live in a total aquatic environment. It also has a lot to do with what they eat.

I have a Chinese Fire Belly newt. They are not said to be happy in higher temperatures but mine does well living in our community tank. His favorite hangout is on top of the filter media! As for eating, mine will eat wax worms occasionally but must be on "land" to eat them and will also eat tubifex worms. They eat more by smell than sight as most newts have terrible eyesight. Blood worms are said to be good as well but I haven't tried them. Also they are more carnivorous and vegetable matter can be harmful to them.

i had a firebelly newt for a while and i just fed it bloodworms. it liked them. there are probably foods formulated for newts a a lfs.

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