Tropical Newbie 2, Fish Choices


Fish Fanatic
Jul 3, 2004
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hello, ok i setup my nice fish tank. Now im going to purchase another tank for fish like Tiger Barbs.

what other fish of this temperment can go into this tank?

I guess not many...

Some of the species I can think of:

- Clown Loach
- Red-tail / rainbow shark
- Khuli Loach
- Bristlenose Pleco

Some are having luck with their gouramies with tiger barbs - I haven't tried that combo.

How big is this tank?
Tiger Barbs, which I think are awesome, particularly the green ones, do really well in schools of about 8+ --only 1 or 2 of them will terrorize an entire tank...but I am guessing you already knew that? I'm curious too, to find out what else would live with them...I am thinking some bottom dwellers, as 8 Barbs in a 10 gallon would be enough life and movement for sure. I'd love to get a tank of Tigers. Let us know how it goes!

SnowyZMom B)
Tiger Barbs will go with just about any communtiy fish that hasn't got long flowing fins. I keep 8 with platies, clown loaches, Cichlids, plecs, and neons!! and I've never had a problem with them. as long as you have enough of them, they keep to themselves. They are great fish as they are always active and very playful. Also the first fish to come and eat from your hand. :lol:
rvm said:
Tiger Barbs will go with just about any communtiy fish that hasn't got long flowing fins. I keep 8 with platies, clown loaches, Cichlids, plecs, and neons!! and I've never had a problem with them. as long as you have enough of them, they keep to themselves. They are great fish as they are always active and very playful. Also the first fish to come and eat from your hand. :lol:
Lucky you, I guess the mileage varies... How many tiger barbs do you have?

I've read some stories where someone had 8 of them in their tank and they pretty much nipped all other fishes to death including platies and cories... -_-

I wanted tiger barbs badly when I was setting up the original community tank, but because of these issues, I gave up that idea... 25g is just not big enough for the species that are compatible with tiger barbs...

EDIT: Stupid of me, you have 8 in your tank... As I said, you are lucky that you have a working stock. I am envious... ;)

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