Tropical Flake Food...


Fish Crazy
Mar 31, 2005
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Hi, I bought 2 big tubs of fish flake food from a local store as it was on offer. I've now heard many things about the food losing most of its goodness after a while. I was just wondering how long before i should through this food away???
There should be a use by date on the tub. Just keep it in a cool dry place and it should be ok.
ok the useby date is for if the tub hasn't been opened though......

I heard you had like 2 months after opening it.
I dont see why it'd lose its nutrients after a long as it doesn't get wet, or anything thats not supposed to get in there doesn't...I think It should be good for atleast a year or so. Atleast 6 months.
it shouldnt go off... when i buy it i only peel the foil fresh wrapper back a little bit then i reseal it and put the lid back on. if you do this can keep it cool and dry i reckon it will last for ages. ;)
2-4 months sounds right. After that, the food will probably be greatly depleted of any nutrients... if you want to know how, ask me in 15 minutes... i need to see :D

Mould thrives in warm places where food is stored. The fungi eat most of nutrients, so after a while, you'd be feeding your fish mould :sick:
To delay it some, put it in a refrigerated area. As long as you keep it sealed, it should be fine for a while longer, but not forever.
but surely the foil and the lid would keep the container air tight and therefore not let any mould in? :blink:
I've had the same tube of flake food for 2 years will it still be good?
i would say yes if it is kept in a cool dry place and in a sealed container. i dont know how the nutrients could be lost from a dry food. maybe the people who sell it say that to make you buy more. i might be wrong though... lol :p
If your fish food is 2yrs old then i'd chuck it away, it'll be all stale and depleted and molds will get to it eventually from spores in the air, many minerals and vitamins get destroyed by age- you wouldn't eat bread that was 2yrs old even if it looked safe to eat? Besides, fish flakes aern't expensive, better to buy some fresh flakes and know you are giving your fish healthy things to eat.
I don't go by the best beofre dates... best before means it is *best* before... not that its comepltely useless after :)

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