Tropical Fish Virgin


Fish Fanatic
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
Wrexham North Wales
Just joined TFF. I've acquired a tank off a friend, they've just moved. It's full of fish and algae so I'll be asking lots of questions. I've never had fish before.
Hi Mike, welcome to the forum.

List your tank size and the fish you have and I am sure you will get lots of great advice. One thing I'll say just now is that it never hurts to vacuum your gravel and do a decent size water change especially when you have algae.
Hi and welcome to TFF :hi:
How many gallons does the tank hold roughly and do you know what type of fish it has and how big they are?
Hi Mike,

I know what you mean - It's been three months since I acquired my first tank. A few casulties, my kitchen is now a science laboratory, and I'm lovin' every minute of it.

Fish: 3 x Zebra Danios; 5 x Neon Tetras
Planted: Babies Tears, Brazilian Sword.
Landscape: Gravel, river stones and driftwood.

One of the Danios is either on speed or thinks he is Ian Thorpe, up, down, up, down, faster, faster, faster.

I do have trouble keeping my plants alive and am experimenting with what can survive without needing a green thumb. The Babies Tears appear industructable. I bought some potted Hair Grass and it was dead in about two weeks. The Brazilian Sword is a new addition and so we'll what happens with that.

Any suggestions would be helpful.
Well simply put, plants require different amounts of light. Too much or too less can easily kill some plants. I find moss grows quite easily in most aquariums. I would just try to pick plants that will grow in your level(or watts) of lighting. Don't waste your money on all these fertilizers or water additions. It will give you more problems then it's worth. ;)
Hi and thanks for all the welcome messages. For those who asked the tank is 150 litres and contains several artificial plants a piece of rock and wood. It also contains about 16 cardinal tetra, 8 neon tetra, 2 golden angel fish, 3 clown loaches, 3 sucking loaches, 3 catfish, 3 plecs, 1 discus and 1 red tailed shark. I've added accu clear, cleaned the filters every two days and did a half tank water change yesterday. It is a lot clearer now and as yet I have not lost any fish. Reading all the advise I am doing everything totaly wrong, so I guess it must be beginers luck that I haven't lost any fish........yet!!!!!!!
Hi quintessential, the tank is 33.5"L x 14"W x 18"H and holds 150Litres. I know it's full to capacity if not over full. I decided to start with tropical fish & bought myself a 30L aquarium. I bought 8 neon tetras, 1 ancistrus and 1 corydorus to see how I got on. They lasted a month so I decided to buy 2 golden angel fish. A week later my friend decided to move and gave me his aquarium. I thought it was going to be empty, but it contained about 16 neon tetras, 2 corydorus, 3 sucking loaches and 1 discus. I decided to risk putting my fish in the aquarium. As it was a much bigger tank I decided to buy 2 sail fin plecs, while at the shop I saw the red tailed shark, liked it so bought it. A week later I discovered 3 clown loaches, they must have been hiding round the back and as the tank was full of algae I didn't see them. Since I did a 50% water change at the weekend the water is 50% clearer. I guess I'm doing everything wrong, but all my fish are survivng, so far. My friend who kept fish for years, bought new fish twice and lost them overnight. I guess I must be lucky.

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