Tropical Fish Treat?


New Member
Jan 24, 2008
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I want to treat my Guppies good. I have 2 fish tanks full of fancy tail guppies, they keep having babies.

I try to feed them 2 kinds of fish food, to mix it up a little bit.

BUT I would like some ideas for 'treats' for them.

I remember long ago someone suggested some vegetable that some fish liked.

What can I give them to eat besides the run of the mill tropical fish foods?

My fish thank you very much as do I :shifty:
What do you feed them just now, flake, frozen, live?
What do you feed them just now, flake, frozen, live?

Flake food, I will not feed them anything live, I wouldnt enjoy that at all. Im an animal lover, insect lover, etc etc.
IMO live food would be a great treat for your fishies :fish: :-
I feed my fish, brimestrimp, daphnia, bloodworms, micro worms, krill.
Veg peas, broc, sproats, green cabbage, spinach.
Can feed lettuce and cucumba but my fish don't like it.
IMO live food would be a great treat for your fishies :fish: :-

They can eat each other if they want live food : /

I am thinking more along the lines of things other then the common: flake, frozen, live(eek) foods
My fish love live daphnia, bloodworm and brine shrimp.
you can feed your guppies frozen brine/mysis shrimp or frozen bloodworms as a treat.
I feed my fish,
Veg peas, broc, sproats, green cabbage, spinach.
Can feed lettuce and cucumba but my fish don't like it.

Thank you I will have to try some of those.
My fish love live foods - its what they would eat in the wild. If you can get them try mosquito larvae, as these are a guppies staple diet in the wild.

P.S. why are we thick as a brick?

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