Tropical Fish Need Rehoming - Restocking Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 15, 2009
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Here i have a lot of about 40 guppies. 20 adults 20 fry. There are a big mix of colours within these some of the female have yellow leopard print others have rainbow coloured tails. most of the males are a greyish black colour with yellow finns and tails. I need these all gone will split.

Either give me sensible offers i can post, or i will swap for possible other fish or plants, anything fishy really!

ill find some pictures of similar guppies to put up here i really need these gone asap!

any questions please message. Im in portsmouth for those that would prefer to collect.

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Do you reckon these would get eaten by my angels and/or gourami?

If not then if you still have some after I have sorted my small case of white spot then I may take a few, hoping it wont take long to sort as it was caught early, and only my loaches have it
im not sure if you can keep gourami's with guppies? i may be wrong but im sure i read that somewhere. the fry would most likely get eaten too.

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