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The fish listed in post #1 are fine with respect to your soft and slightly acidic water, but there are some other considerations.
Congo Tetra really need a tank with more length, at least 48 inches. They have periods when they like to swim "relays" as I term it, two or sometimes three males swimming very rapidly down the tank at quite a speed. Without 4 feet of length, this is rather hampered. If you like the look of this fish (and who wouldn't, it is a beauty as it reflects every colour of the rainbow), a very similar tetra is the Diamond Tetra. Though still active at times, it would be better in your 3-foot tank. A group of 7, four males and three females, would be my suggestion for numbers.
Dwarf gourami. This fish is a risk, unless you know the source; by source I mean the breeder, not the store. It is still known to carry the iridovirus which cannot be treated. The Honey Gourami, very similar in colour and size, would be a better choice if you want a gourami. A group of 3-5, with more females than males. However, here you come to another issue, activity level. Gourami are very sedate fish, and they do not appreciate active swimmers like the Diamond Tetra (or the Congo for that matter). There are quieter tetras, or some of the rasboras, that are better with gourami.
Marble Hatchetfish is a nice fish, just have more of them; these fish are best with 9-10 minimum, and as they are quite small, and quite inactive, you would be fine with these in 9-12. The larger silver hatchets in different genera would be less suitable, but the Marble (
Carnegiella strigata) ideal.
Cories. I would up the number here too. Five is minimum, but when you have the space, a few more will be better for the fish, as they live in shoals of hundreds in their habitats. Seven up to twelve. You can have the same species, or mix them; if the latter, try for 3-5 of each individual species. The species shoal together.