Tropical And Marine Fish Food


Aug 7, 2009
Reaction score
North London
Equipment make/model/size: Blue Line granular and bottom spirulina
Quantity for sale:2.5kg of the granular and 500g of the spirulina (separated into 100g and 50g quantities respectively)
Reason for Sale:Ordered too much
Delivery or Collection:either is fine think royal mail is 99p for 1st class but will double check
Sales price: £4.50 per 100g of the granular and £9 for the 50g spirulina.
Postage & Packaging:pOE
Location: North London (whetstone)

This food is fantastic! The spirulina is 60% spiru (the highest you will find in this country) and the granular food is a massive 64% protein!!! We feed all of our pleco and community fish this food and they do great on it. I would even go as far to say its one of the reasons why we have had so much success with our starlights and why our blue and green phantoms are spiking up to breed! :)

This food is great for marine and freshwater ideal for discus, ciclids and of course pleco, but all other fish will enjoy it... The granular food is 1.2-2mm in size and the spiru is 1cm.

I know the prices look expensive but this food is really beneficial for your fish whether you are conditioning for breeding or just giving your fish the very best. You can also feed less with this food because of its great quality so it will last you a lot longer than the other foods out there.

If you would like a detailed contents analysis let me know :)

Cheers :good:

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