Tropical Albino Frogs


New Member
Oct 1, 2007
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Hi I'm new on here. today I was given a tropical albino frog. The person who had them before had to get rid of them and as I have tropical fish he thought I would be the best person to take it. Thing is I know nothing about them!!

Can anyone give me any advice?
I have 6 of these Frogs, all adult or subadult (also around another 20 or so "Aqautic Clawed Frogs" including my other Xenopus and Silurana species) they are very easy to keep, though as three-fingers mentioned they arent really communal along with Fish, as they will eat most Fish smaller than themselves, and get to around 13cm length snout to vent, and a further 10cm or so including the legs, they are also cannibalistic, though wont eat Frogs that wont fit into they're mouth, theres plenty of threads about them on here with further info.
thanks. The one I have seems to have webbed feet. the Xenapus Laevis doesn't seem to have webbed feet. Am I wrong?
thanks. The one I have seems to have webbed feet. the Xenapus Laevis doesn't seem to have webbed feet. Am I wrong?

Xenopus laevis has webbed back feet, the front feet arent webbed, Hymenochirus (Dwarf Frogs) have webbed front and back feet, if its albino its almost definitly Xenopus laevis though, as Hymenochirus boettgeri arent at all established as albino, ive yet to see an albino Dwarf Frog, though some are lighter grey than others.
had a proper look at it earlier and yeah by the looks of it, it is the one you are saying. I think they are lovely!!

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