Triportheus (ang)/(arg)ulatus


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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Well, mainly, does anyone out there know more than the collective minds of the Chat Crew, ione of which is flicking through a couple of Baesch?

One of the LFS's had a group in, they caught my eye as being large at sale size.

Anyway, so far, all I've got is that max size is anywhere between 3 and 8" (Baesch says 3-4", Fishbase says 6.5", the label said 6" and someone else said 8" :p), primarily surface dwellers, schooling, 'Feeds on the fruits and seeds of Moraceae, Myrtaceae, Euphorbiaceae; Coleoptera, Orthoptera, Lepidoptera, and Brachyplatystoma flavicans; and on plankton, nekton, and crustaceans. ', found in the Amazon basin. And formelly known as Chalceus Ang/Argulatus.

They were £4.50 each, not a bad price?

So anyway, can any elaborate at all?
Giant hatchets are lovely fish and at that price a bargain, largest one ive seen was probably about 5" and fairly thick/deep bodied, keep them like other hatchet type fish in small schools with no other surface dwellers to compete with for food.

Brachyplatystoma flavicans is a giant shovelnosed catfish species, i cant see the Triportheus eating one of those, however Triportheus, Chalceus and Prochilodus are favourite food items of B.flavicans :lol:
Hey, I'm just quoting from Fishbase :lol: Well, I might go back, there's a few fish I want to take photos of (including a nice fahaka and some marines for ID) and I want to see if they have anything else I want on their import list... Yay for possible 'parasitic catfish'! Hmmm... I'm still tempted by a nosibeeus, they had one left I think and they were reduced to £7.99...

Although I'm sure you don't think these are as good as the exodons you want me to get :p I might ask about how much they can get those in for...

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