Sorry, can't help spammin, it's the OCD! Hey there
Can I add them to my ten gallon? Look at my signature. Not the one with the betta.
Unfortunately, there's no species (available to buy) that's small enough to pose no threat whatsoever to your fish .I wouldn't think so - they're predatory I'm sure and would probably eat your fish - can't remember who but someone really likes triops here so he might suggest a smaller species or w/e
What he said, while they aren't at all good at catching fish, the chances are high it would happen at night while the fish slept .Triops swim around aimlessly and will attempt to eat whatever they crash into, I would imagine this would constantly keep fish on the run and easily stress them out even if they're not eaten.
As snapefish mentioned, they're also very sensitive to changes in water parameters. In fact, triops keepers use the exact same brand of spring/distilled water they were hatched in to do water changes/topoffs.