

New Member
Feb 22, 2007
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i need help with triops eg.water,food and haching
ok james for hatching use spring water you can get at shops and put a lamp on the eggs for 2 days when they hatch dont feed them for 1-2days then feed them on the 2nd day
ok jammy for hatching use spring water you can get at shops and put a lamp on the eggs for 2 days when they hatch dont feed them for 1-2days then feed them on the 2nd day
Basically, you should do OK if you follow the instruction in the triops kit.
The bigger the tank you use, the better though, the ones that come with kits are pretty small in my opinion.
But it is important to hatch out in no less than 1 litre of water, as with any more water, the triops wont be able to find the infusoria for them to eat.
De-ionised water (available at tescos at the car section for 51p per liter) is by far the best water for hatching them, but spring water works very well too.
If you use de-ionised water, only use it for hatching them (it doesnt contain enough minerals for triops growth), you can top the water in the tank up withc spring water, or tap water that has been conditioned with a water dechlorinator made for fish tanks (like API's 'Stess Coat').
For feeding, you can just use most fish foods, but they need it powdered when they are very small :good:,
Get some de ionised water, some leaves and some sand, put the sand in the botom of the tank, put the leaves in a bowl for several ours, then wrap them up in a dish cloth with little holes in put this into a jar with rain water in, leave it for two days, on the second day pour all of it into the tank with about o.kl of de ionised water then place the eggs in. wait three days and then give them a verry little amount of food, there you go :good:

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