Triops In A Shrimp Tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2011
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i was considering getting some triops and i was wondering if they would be compatible with my ghost shrimp or if they would need their own tank.

they seem very cool and slightly exotic.
I've also wondered if they would be okay with shrimp, but the thing that turned me off that they are cannibalistic, and will eat any weaker ones so I thought that if you had shrimp that were smaller and weaker, the triop would eat the shrimp.
Pretty much. I had Triops with Amano shrimp fine, as long as the shrimp is bigger and stronger than the Triops it will be fine. Triops dont really hunt, but they just swim around all day and eat anything organic that fits between their mandibles, which would include small and weak shrimp. Once they have something, they wont let go, even if its alive.

With ghost shrimp, I'd be concerned for small Triops becoming lunch themselves.
My plan is to ad the Triops to the tank when they are adults. I have a separate rearing area for them.

It was an idea to save space. i do, however have a tank I could set up as a species tank.
Ghost shrimp, unlike Amano and cherry shrimp, have claws easily capable of catching and holding a fully grown T.longicaudatus, though it would hardly be worth the shrimps effort to hold on to a struggling triops (they go mental when caught! :fun:).

Obviously it would depend on the size of shrimp, and how hungry it was, but remember triops don't hide when they shed their exoskeleton, they just carry on randomly around the tank as normal, and wont bother to try and avoid shrimp.

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