

Fish Herder
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
glenside, pa
just picked up a few of these guys, on the assumption that their care isn't a whole lot different from some loaches and other cories. There doesn't seem to be a great deal about them on here, though. There's no profile, and I was having some difficulty on really finding anything useful doing a search (most posts were about breeding, or pictures, or the difference between julii and trilineatus).

I'm poking around the web, some, but if there's anything in particular that ya'll think I ought to know, please let me know! :good:
Congrats starrynightxxi

How many did you pick up then?? How big are they??

I have found that the Trilineatus are pretty similar to the pandas. They grow to the same size, tend to lay their eggs in the same places (well, mine did). The pandas and Trilineatus also seem to sleep in the same place, under a log covered in java moss.

But, when they get in the breeding mood, they seem to chase my Sterbai. When the pandas spawn they just carry on like normal. But when the Sterbai get excited, they try join them :blink: .

Their care seems to be pretty much the same as other cories. Eat as much as the pandas. Not as active as bronze cories. Seem to like temperatures at 24-25 degrees.

Carmen has covered most the points there, Trilineatus are great cories, although they are shy cories.
They like water between 16-25*C and at a lower temp of around 22-23*C they seem to readily spawn, when ready.

They are a great addition to a tank, but if you keep them in a community I found mind dont some out that much when the lights are on. Although they do play when its dark.
I'm going to stop at my fav lps Wednesday, as I have to go out. They had some smallish (probably young) dark with white sprinkle orderly spots like melini but squater shaped. I think they were labeled sterbai. If they still have them, I will pick up a schoal. They can go in the panda tank with the smallish cories, but these are bigger bodied that the little guys.
Did they have orange fins Jollysue?? And brownish spots?? If so, then they are the Sterbai. They are lovely. We have a group of 5 and they are so stunning. They seem to get on with all the cories too. We did have ours with the bronze when we still had the bronze cories and the Sterbai only really came out of their shells when the bronze cories moved on. They didn't like the over active bronze cories eating all their food :lol: . Mine live my Trilineatus and pandas and they all seem to get on very well.

I've got four at the moment. I intend to pick up two more next time i go out to the LFS but I didn't want to add too quickly, especially since I recently removed the second filter to clone a tank.

Mine were very active (read: hungry) the moment i put their bag in the tank to acclimatize them. And although they aren't really used to my presence yet, they certainly aren't shy. They spend most of their time at the front of the tank in the open and seem to be out light or dark. Actually, they're the only fish that don't jump a little when the light goes on.

They're small little guys, approx. an inch including the tail fin. I haven't been able to discern the sexes as yet, though I am appreciating having fish that can actually be identified by DIFFERENT markings :lol:

That is a C.Trilineatus, and I think his relfection is a C.Trilineatus I could be wrong :fun:
Studz: Love your humour! Name that cory Alice in the looking glass.

C&A: I didn't really study them, as I wasn't planning on anything, just a look around after the big sale. I got 3 ADF for the Dario dario tank and 2 red VT Bettas (I got a female VT later at Petco--well we assume she is female, but she's only 1" long. :lol: )

If some of these whatevers are still there since Saturday, I will get them and from what has been said, I will put them in the small cory tank with the panda. When I say small, I mean the cories are small. Their tank is 20 usg.

My camera software on my desktop got compromised somehow. I can't download any pics to it. I can't locate my software CD holder, so pics are waiting, until I either set up the laptop or find the CDs. :X
Studz: Love your humour! Name that cory Alice in the looking glass.

C&A: I didn't really study them, as I wasn't planning on anything, just a look around after the big sale. I got 3 ADF for the Dario dario tank and 2 red VT Bettas (I got a female VT later at Petco--well we assume she is female, but she's only 1" long. :lol: )

If some of these whatevers are still there since Saturday, I will get them and from what has been said, I will put them in the small cory tank with the panda. When I say small, I mean the cories are small. Their tank is 20 usg.

My camera software on my desktop got compromised somehow. I can't download any pics to it. I can't locate my software CD holder, so pics are waiting, until I either set up the laptop or find the CDs. :X

whats OS are you using? Windowsa XP? or windows 98?

as if you cant find your Cd I may be able to get the drivers etc for you from the net :D
well, got another two to finish out the shoal. They're from the same batch, so it was a reunion of sorts :lol:

the fish guy said they were bred by a friend of his and probably about 2 months or so, so quite young yet. Do they stay as active as they are at this age or do they slow down some as they get older? I rather expected them to be much more subdued than they are, but they've been outgoing from the start.

As for "Alice", I might be hard pressed figuring out which fish that is, exactly -lol-
That is the great Cory reunion party. :wub: It will settle down after awhile and be a little calmer. But every once in awhile they will kick up their heels. Now you know why larger groups are recommended.

(aside to Studz: I run xp. I found my OlympusCamediaC5000 program. My Windows used to just download and bring up whatever photo shop I specified. But I it has gotten confused and tells me all the time that I don't have a camera connected. :dunno: So now I have to open the Camedia program, download and then open the photo shop I want--just installed Corel. There is a big wait for each step to set up. tap,tap,tap. sigh....)

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