My four Trilineatus Corys look like they've 'paired' off, and I'd like to try to breed them...
I have an empty 5UK Gallon (45x25x25cm) lidded tank with a Fluval Plus internal filter and a 25w heater that could be used for this purpose.
Can anyone answer the following questions (or point me in the direction of a relevant previous forum post or web link)...
- Is this sized tank suitable or too small? (if too small I could put just one of the cory 'pairs' in there)
- What are the required water levels for triggering breeding?
- What are the required water stats? (Amm '0', Nitrite '0') what about PH and Nitrates?
- What temperature setting - greater or less than normal?
- Should the tank be lit?
- Should the tank have a substrate (sand or gravel) or plants?
- Should I feed something different from the norm to trigger breeding?
- If spawning occurs, should I remove the adults immediately?
- Initially, how should I care for any eggs/fry?
I have an empty 5UK Gallon (45x25x25cm) lidded tank with a Fluval Plus internal filter and a 25w heater that could be used for this purpose.
Can anyone answer the following questions (or point me in the direction of a relevant previous forum post or web link)...
- Is this sized tank suitable or too small? (if too small I could put just one of the cory 'pairs' in there)
- What are the required water levels for triggering breeding?
- What are the required water stats? (Amm '0', Nitrite '0') what about PH and Nitrates?
- What temperature setting - greater or less than normal?
- Should the tank be lit?
- Should the tank have a substrate (sand or gravel) or plants?
- Should I feed something different from the norm to trigger breeding?
- If spawning occurs, should I remove the adults immediately?
- Initially, how should I care for any eggs/fry?