Anyone got any suggestions or experience in fitting extra lighting into the exisiting hood. I was thinking compact flourescent but the tank has no cover glass and I don't know whether the connector will blow!
are you already using the reflectors that Juwel produce? I haven't got any yet, but I'm told they increase light by about 75% and seem to be a very cost effective method, if they work.
Yep got the reflectors and they seem v.good for the price. just thought I might need some extra oomph at the rear of the tank as there is little light there due to the triangular shape.
I would be interested to get an answer to this question too. I have just changed my juwel 150lt corner tank to the trigon 190lt corner tank. I have the reflectors fitted, but this new tank is much deeper and the loss of light is dissapointing.. Even using the same tubes, the tank has lost its clarity