Trigon 190


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
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Hey guys

im getting tempted by a ex display trigon 190 which i should be able to haggle for (its £350 atm inc cabinet) - whats a sensible price to go for (the guy is leaneant and the tank is in good condition)

also, i realised there isnt pre drilled external filter holes on the back, has anyone fitted one or any ideas on the best way to?

I was thinking a tetratec ex700...thoughts?

is the lighting sufficient for plants?

This is just a price comparison but 1 went yesterday on ebay for £151 second hand obviously but still a hell of alot cheaper than that u could have a look and save money 2 stock it :)

Whay do you need to drill to fit an Exturnal? They come with overflow tubes (or U bends) to get the water in and out of the tank without drilling. :good:

I'd probibly see if Jen can give you a link to that auction, so you have something strong to bater with :shifty: Anythin arround the £200-250 mark would be OK if it's in good nic :good:

What plants do you want to grow? The lights could be an aquard upgrade with it being a corner tank, so that is something else to bater on, but if you want high-light plants, you will be sunk from the start, unless you fancy hanging an over-tank luminare from the sealing?

All the best

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